Watergate '69, pg. 3

Life magazine, August 8, 1969
Photographed by Michael Rougier

[ pg. 3 ]

Walter Pfortzheimer
A member of Watergate East's board of directors, CIA official Pfortzheimer keeps a signed photograph of Mata Hari in the well-fortified duplex he maintains for his collection of 3,000 spy books. He sleeps in an efficiency apartment elsewhere in the building.

John Volpe
Mornings and evenings the Secretary of Transportation prefers to work in the relative peace of the study in his three-bedroom $130,000 penthouse. One problem is the earsplitting noise of jets landing at National Airport; Volpe hopes to get it reduced soon.

Mary Brooks
Ex-assistant chairman of the G.O.P. National Committee, Mrs. Brooks will take office in September as director of the U.S. Mint. In her kitchen, which can double as an office, she dictates to secretary Maria Downes.

Maurice Stans
The Secretary of Commerce and his wife Kathleen gathered the furnishings of their Africana room during nine safaris. At first Mrs. Stans found their $130,000 apartment "zigged and zagged" and made her dizzy.

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